2022 Golden Image Award- Outstanding Artists 般若藝術聯會
2020 Awarded “Honorable Mention” for excellent work
“Abstract” Art Exhibition from international Art Competition Abstract from Contemporary Art Room Online Gallery
2019 Artist Residency in Dumfries House
United Kingdom
2019 Governor’s international 12 month Postgraduate Scholarship
The Glasgow School of Art
2019 Eduhk Scholarship for Academic Excellence (Master in Fine Art)
The Education University of Hong Kong
2018/19 The Education University of Hong Kong (University-level Recognition on Non-academic Achievements)
EdUhk President Commendation in the area of Arts and Culture
2018 Awarded as “Opera Segnalata (Premio Special)
The 46th International Street Painting Competition in Commune di Curtatone
2014/15 Talent Development Scholarship in art and culture from HKSAR
2015 Outstanding Photos
The 43th Hong Kong Art festival (HKAF)